Thursday, July 26, 2012

The Misery America Has Brought To Africa.

A Black Agenda Radio commentary by Glen Ford

Americans want to believe their president when he poses as a humanitarian world leader. But Africa knows different. Literally millions have died and been displaced as a direct result of U.S. imperial strategies. “American policy in Africa is to create chaos, and then to present itself as the cure.”

Far from a Humanitarian Savior, the U.S. Causes Vast Misery In Africa

A Black Agenda Radio commentary by Glen Ford

The United States is the main vector of mass carnage and misery, from Somalia to Libya to Congo and so many points in between.”

The United States has finally made a token effort towards reining in its central African client state, Rwanda, whose destabilization of neighboring Congo has contributed to the deaths of six million people over the past 16 years. A United Nations panel charged that Rwanda has been supporting a Tutsi tribal rebel group in Congo. Rwanda and another U.S. puppet regime, Uganda, have profited enormously from stealing the mineral resources of eastern Congo, in collaboration with U.S. and European mining companies. At the end of last year, 1.7 million Congolese remained homeless, largely because of Rwanda’s continued interference in Congolese affairs.

Bowing ever so slightly to world opinion, Washington announced that it would cut military assistance to Rwanda. As it turns out, the only money the U.S. is withholding is for an academy for Rwandan non-commissioned officers – a measly $200,000 out of a total Rwandan aid package of $528 million. The gesture is an insult to the millions of Congolese who have been killed or displaced by the U.S. and its Rwandan and Ugandan mercenaries.

The United Nations Refugee Agency reports that the number of Somalis forced to leave their country has reached the one million mark. At root, this is also an American crime against humanity. Somalia ranks behind only Afghanistan, Iraq and Colombia in its number of displaced persons. And, like the other three countries, Somalia’s humanitarian crisis is the result of Washington’s imperial military strategies.

The number of Somalis forced to leave their country has reached the one million mark.”

The U.S. dragged Somalia into hell in December of 2006, when it funded and armed an Ethiopia invasion of the country. Tens of thousands were killed outright, and Somalia was robbed of a chance to build peace under a moderately Islamist government. In the capital city, Mogadishu, alone, nearly two million people were forced from their homes, and soon the United Nations declared Somalia “the worst humanitarian crisis in Africa.”

In the ensuing five years, the United States methodically attempted to starve out the Somali Shabaab resistance forces, so that when the worst drought in 60 years struck the region, last year, mass deaths were inevitable. By now, the U.S. had ensnared most of Somalia’s neighbors in its war – Kenya, Ethiopia, and Djibouti, a whole region in flames – in order to facilitate an expansion of U.S. military influence in the region.

Far from playing a humanitarian role in Africa, the United States is the main vector of mass carnage and misery, from Somalia to Libya to Congo and so many points in between. American policy in Africa is to create chaos, and then to present itself as the cure.
Economically, the U.S. offers nothing to Africa, except rigged deals and endless debt. Years ago, China eclipsed the U.S. as a trading partner, and now offers Africa more and better quality foreign aid than the Americans. Unable to compete on a level laying field, Washington exports death to Africa, in the form of weapons systems and Green Berets. There is nothing good that the United States can do for Africa, but leave.

For Black Agenda Radio, I’m Glen Ford. On the web, go to

BAR executive editor Glen Ford can be contacted at

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Somalia :UN Suggest Washington Are Violating Arms Embargo.

The skies over Somalia have become so congested with drones that the unmanned aircraft pose a danger to air traffic and potentially violate a long-standing arms embargo against the war-torn country, according to United Nations officials.

In a recently completed report, U.N. officials describe several narrowly averted disasters in which drones crashed into a refugee camp, flew dangerously close to a fuel dump and almost collided with a large passenger plane over Mogadishu, the capital.

Although U.N. investigators did not directly pin the blame for the mishaps on the United States, the report noted that at least two of the unmanned aircraft appeared to be U.S.-manufactured and suggested that Washington had been less than forthcoming about its drone operations in more

Monday, July 9, 2012

Why African LGBTI Should Say NO To U.S. Imperialism.

The US Embassy in Nairobi recently announced that  it would be holding “the first ever annual celebration of LGBT Pride at their embassy on June 26″ .
Gay pridreceived mixed responses from local LGBTI activists.  Those supporting the event have defended it saying it is a good opportunity for networking and “shows the US is actively reaching out to the local LGBT community”. Others have accused those of calling for a boycotte as ‘insecure”  and “spreading fear” .  But as Kenne  Mwikya points out in his post there are deeper  issues at stake here which have conveniently been ignored by those supporting the event such as “supplanting of local queer initiatives”; possible backlash from the Kenyan public and government; and by attending implicitly supporting US imperialism and it’s ‘war on terror’.  Added to these are serious concerns over aid and trade conditionality….
Topping the list is the requirement that the beneficiary promote “a market-based economy that protects private property rights… and minimises government interference in the economy through such measures as price controls, subsidies, and government ownership of economic assets.” In addition – and here’s the big one – the beneficiary must make progress toward “the elimination of barriers to United States trade and investment.”
as well as the presence and role of AFRICOM which is closely tied with various Anti-Terrorist legislations and increased US surveillance across the continent .e or LGBT pride is the positive stance against discrimination and violence toward LGBT  people to promote their self-affirmation, equality rights, increase their visibility as a social group, build community, and celebrate sexual diversity and gender variance.
Local LGBT activists and dignitaries have been invited to this more

Secret U.S. Prisons In Africa. Shocking And Cruel.

A new exposé by human rights investigator Clara Gutteridge for The Nation magazine looks at secret U.S. operations in Africa and how the United States rendered, tortured and discarded one innocent man from Tanzania.

Suleiman Abdallah was captured in Mogadishu in 2003 by a Somali warlord and handed over to U.S. officials, who had him rendered to Afghanistan for five years of detention and torture.

Imprisoned in three different U.S. facilities, Abdallah said he was subjected to severe beatings, prolonged solitary confinement, forced nakedness and humiliation. He said he was also sexually assaulted, locked naked in a coffin, and forced to lie on a wet mat, naked and handcuffed.

Abdallah was finally released in July 2008 from Bagram Air Force Base — with a piece of paper confirming his innocence. However, he has received neither reparations nor apologies for his ordeal. "The worst of the torture, we’re not authorized to talk about, because it’s too painful for him," Gutteridge says. "What I can say is that he was subject to some of the worst torture that I have ever encountered in interviewing over a hundred U.S. torture victims."

Please go to link provided for transcript and video.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Kenya:Israel Says Iranian Terrorists Plotting to Attack Its Interests in Kenya

July 5, 2012

The arraignment in a Nairobi court of two Iranians accused of having explosives has opened a new front in the diplomatic row between Israel and Iran.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday accused Iran of plotting terror attacks against its (Israel’s) interests in Kenya. Netanyahu further accused Tehran of being a sponsor of international terrorism. “Iranian terrorism knows no borders,” Netanyahu is quoted as saying in a statement from his office.

“After Iran sent its agents to murder the Saudi ambassador on US soil, the country has engaged in attacks in Azerbaijan, Bangkok, in Tbilisi, in New Delhi, and now we have just discovered a plot for a terrorist attack in Africa,” Netanyahu said. “The international community must fight against this major player in the world of terrorism,” he added.

According to the court charges against Ahmed Mohamud and Said Mausud, the two Iranians were arrested after they were found with 15 kilogrammes of RDX explosives in circumstances which indicated that they were armed with intent to commit a felony. They were arrested in Nairobi and led investigators to the Mombasa Golf Course on Mama Ngina Drive where the explosives were found. They both denied the charges before Principal Magistrate PC Biwott, just a day after the June 25 grenade attack on a bar in Mishomoroni area of Mombasa that killed three people.

Read more

Africa After Gaddafi - Full Spectrum Dominance - Kenya And Somalia The Next Targets.

On Monday, 22 August 2011, Africa fell to the beginning of the New World Order (NWO), and Full Spectrum Dominance when the Sovereign Libyan Government was toppled with the aid of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), The European Union (EU), Gulf Cooperating Countries (GCC), and NATO Sponsored Terrorists imported from CIA Sponsored Training Grounds of Afghanistan, Yemen, Turkey, Jordan and Qatar.

The Libyan Nation is now in turmoil with the Country split into two halves, Tripoli representing the Western half of a very insecure and unstable country, and Benghazi the Eastern half. Chaos prevails in both halves, killings; kidnappings for ransom and revenge murders are daily routines for the gangs of armed “Liberators” who refuse to lay down their weapons in support of a singular State. With Gaddafi gone, Libya will not have prosperity or Security for at least the next 30-years, destabilizing neighbouring states starting with Niger, Mali, Algeria and Tunisia.
Now the United States of America and its allies from among the EU/NATO Member States and GCC Countries (Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Jordan), as well as Turkey are now embarking on the destabilization of the West and East African Region. Specifically, Kenya and Somalia in Eastern Africa, Niger and Mali in Western Africa for economic, natural resources and military purposes, key among them is to halt the growing dominance of China’s influence over Africa.

On Sunday, 10 June 2012 in the early hours of the morning, a Kenyan Police Helicopter crashed killing all six Souls on board, including George Saitoti, Minister of State in the Office of the Kenyan President, in charge of Internal Security and Provincial Administration, whooversaw the launch of the war on the so-called Al-Shabab terrorist militia as part of the African Union’s efforts to stabilize Somalia. This incident seen in isolation would have been forgotten quite quickly if was not for the US Military’s’ concept of Full Spectrum dominance, defined as the cumulative effect of dominance in the air, land, maritime, and space domains and information environment that permits the conduct of joint operations without effective opposition or prohibitive interference. Professor Saitoti had intended to stand in the forthcoming Presidential Elections and was widely considered to be a front-runner in the race to succeed the present incumbent, Mwai Kibaki whose term ends in 2013, Professor Saitoti was not acceptable to Washington but that is moot more

Monday, June 25, 2012

White House unveils strategy for Africa: intensified militarization and war on terror.

The White House has put in writing its policies for sub-Saharan Africa. The problem is, there’s hardly a word of truth in the document, and not a single mention of AFRICOM, the U.S. military command on the continent. The presidential paper repeats Obama’s 2009 lecture to Africans on “good governance.” He also warned that they avoid the “excuses” of blaming “neocolonialism” and “racism” for their problems. Meanwhile, AFRICOM is “positioning the U.S. to launch coups at will against African civilian, or even military, leaders that fall out of favor with Washington.” more

Jamaica: A Practice Run On How To Wipe Out Blacks ? Drills of the dead- Maine prepares for zombie attack

Israel are rounding up blacks at an alarming rate and cannot get them back to Africa quick enough, meanwhile they are  placing them in concentration camps until they can be moved..

Don't give the yanks ideas but what a great move for a virus that threatens the worlds population and to save us ALL  the black race must be eliminated.....


I think not , right now Obama is using the Blair Doctrine to wipe out the Muslim world....see link.


Emergency officials in Maine have taken part in a training exercise in preparation for a zombie apocalypse. This comes just weeks after the federal government publicly denied the existence of zombies.

­Around 100 emergency responders from eight different counties participated in the event in the quiet city of Bangor.

The premise: an unknown virus originating from Jamaica has reached Maine, turning the infected into zombies. Once infected, the virus quickly spreads to the brain, and turns the host into a full-fledged zombie, who has only one thing on its mind: biting other people.

The officials were armed with two would-be vaccines – one to prevent the infection from reaching the brain, and one to bring the zombies back to life. We have identified in several states, particularly Texas, New York, Illinois outbreaks of these civil disturbances and biting,” one official said. “And in conjunction with that there are also widespread power outages.

The event may have been a staged act, with locals playing zombies, but it gave emergency responders an opportunity to prepare for a real life epidemic.

This gives us the opportunity to do something a little bit different, but it still has the same principles that would apply in a real situation,” Kathy Knight, director of the Northeastern Maine Regional Resource Center told the Bangor Daily News. Emergency workers "need to figure out what they need, how they’re going to respond and how they are going to share their resources to respond to the disaster. They need to know who to go to outside their community to find the resources they don’t have, so it’s a different twist.

The training exercise comes just several weeks after the US Center for Disease Control publicly denied the existence of zombies.

Rumors of a “zombie apocalypse” have been on the rise after a series of disturbing incidents.
In Florida, police caught a naked man chewing on the face of another person. They eventually shot him dead after unsuccessfully trying to push him away from the victim.
In Maryland, an engineering student allegedly stabbed a man to death and ate his heart and brain.

In Canada, a porn actor was detained on charges that he had killed and dismembered his lover. He is alleged to have recorded a video of himself copulating with some of the body parts, and consuming others. He is also suspected of sending the limbs of the victim to the headquarters of political parties, as well as two schools in Vancouver.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Somalia:U.S.Encouraged Invasion Of Somalia.UN meeting memo with Jenday Frazer, Secretary of State for African Affairs, 2006

This is a memo written from an official with the UN Mission in Ethiopia and Eritrea in 2006 detailing a meeting with Jenday Frazer, the Bush Administration's Assistant Secretary of State for African affairs. It is interesting in that it undercuts Bush administration officials' later assertions that they did not encourage Ethiopia to invade Somalia in 2006. It also reveals a bias on the part of Frazer in favor of Ethiopia and against Eritrea that many including former US Ambassador to the UN John Bolton believe set back difficult negotiations on the border dispute between the two countries. The document has not been released until now. It will be of interest to people who follow US policy in the Horn of Africa. more,_Secretary_of_State_for_African_Affairs,_2006

Israel Prize Laureates, Academics And Public Figures Sign Letter Demanding Israel Halt State-Sponsored Incitement Against Asylum Seekers.

Late last week a group of Israel Prize laureates, academics, and public figures signed a letter demanding that Israel’s leaders halt state-sponsored incitement against asylum seekers in Israel and at least temporarily integrate the largely African group into the nation’s workforce. They did so in the strongest of terms, invoking the oft-repeated biblical commandment to “welcome the stranger,” and pointing out that Israel was a nation founded by refugees.
Following is HIAS’ translation of the letter. You also can read the original letter in Hebrew.

Kenya: CIA False Flag - Kenyan Port Is At Imminent Threat Status.

Mombasa - The port of Mombasa in Kenya has been listed by the American Embassy, in Nairobi, as a possible target for attack. All American government personnel have been ordered to leave.
Mombasa is apparently under the threat or possibility of an imminent attack by terrorists. The American Embassy in Nairobi, Kenya has issued an order for all American Government personnel to leave the port city of Mombasa until July 1.
Kenyan security forces and police have intercepted chemicals they suspected of being for the production of bombs, the chemicals were in the possession of two Iranians, who were arrested.
In the Kenyan capital of Nairobi police commander Anthony Kibuchi reported seizing a bag labeled "Magnum Buster. Danger explosives" according to MSNBC tonight.
"We are on hot pursuit of the suspects," Kibuchi told Reuters, saying police were looking for three people.
At The New Age is a report of two Kenyan police being injured by an improvised explosive devise on Saturday near the border with Somalia. The number of attacks against Kenyan security forces have escalated since the Kenyan army entered southern Somalia to hunt down Islamist al-Shabaab rebels late last year.
Recent attacks in March, April and May were responsible for dozens of injuries and several deaths in Nairobi and Mombasa as reported by the BBC, Al Jazeera, and Reuters respectively.

The BBC- Al Jazeera and Reuters ALL three are Government propaganda mouthpieces and ALL three have been caught fabricating evidence against Syria.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Obama Targets Africa : Why ?

"America has a responsibility to advance this vision, not just with words, but with support that strengthens African capacity. When there is genocide in Darfur or terrorists in Somalia, these are not simply African problems - they are global security challenges, and they demand a global response. That is why we stand ready to partner through diplomacy, technical assistance, and logistical support, and will stand behind efforts to hold war criminals accountable. And let me be clear: our Africa Command is focused not on establishing a foothold in the continent, but on confronting these common challenges to advance the security of America, Africa and the world."
Barack Obama, the US president addressing the Ghanaian parliament in 2009

Monday, June 18, 2012

Israel:Dozens Of African Migrants Denied Request To Convert To Judaism.

A South Sudanese woman saying good-bye to her friend in Arad on Sunday.
A South Sudanese woman saying good-bye to her friend in Arad on Sunday

All requests from refugees and illegal migrants from Africa to convert to Judaism have been rejected over the past year, according to a source in the Prime Minister's Office.
The source could not provide exact figures but said "many dozens" of such requests were rejected. Conversion falls under the auspices of the PMO.

"Dozens of Africans come straight to our offices in Tel Aviv, try to convince us to allow them to submit a request that would be examined by an exceptions committee," a PMO official said on the sidelines of the PMO conversion department's annual convention last week. "Of course, all the requests were rejected." more

A Tradition Of Keeping African American Voters From The Polls.

It's illegal.

In a brazen attempt to steal this fall's election, Florida's Republican lawmakers have outlawed voting on Sunday, an African-American tradition. Indeed, across the United States, from Montana to Maine and Texas to Tennessee, 41 states have recently passed or introduced laws to restrict voter registration and early voting, and generally limit suffrage.
It's the greatest show of racially fueled political chicanery since turn-of-the-twetieth-century laws banned scores of African-Americans from casting ballots. More than 5 million voters — largely minority — could be kept from the polls, according to New York University's Brennan Center for Justice.

"When Jim Crow was passed, [segregationists] said because of this plan, the darkie will be eliminated as a factor in elections in five years," says Benjamin Jealous, the NAACP's national president and CEO. "We beat that. But now these state governments are doing the same thing, disenfranchising entire blocks of black and Hispanic voters."

For decades, Southern states barred African-Americans from voting through white-supremacist tricks such as literacy tests. That practice mostly ended in 1965, after America watched cops gassing and clubbing voting-rights demonstrators marching from Selma to Montgomery, Alabama, and Congress passed the Voting Rights Act. The law, said then-president Lyndon B. Johnson, was "a turning point in man's unending search for freedom."
In the years that followed, there were more attempts to cheat minorities at the polls. One was a law in many states that blocked felons from voting and made it difficult to get reinstated. Largely because of zero tolerance for drug crimes, this measure affected one in twelve black men.

A new scam started in Arizona in 2004, when voters approved a law to require not only an ID to cast a ballot, but also proof of citizenship to register. The measure has been plodding through the courts ever since, and the citizenship provision was recently ditched. But one California federal judge who heard the case on appeal, Harry Pregerson, noted that "intimidation keeps Latino voters away from the polls."

In 2006, Missouri required voters to show a state or federal ID at the polls. It sounded logical. But supporters failed to emphasize that a quarter of blacks and almost as many Latinos lack this documentation. "The absurdity of these rules was pretty clear," says Missouri Secretary of State Robin Carnahan. "A Supreme Court judge said he was old and had let his license expire. Could he vote? And we had a member of Congress who couldn't use his congressional ID to vote." more

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Israeli Police Humiliate African Female Migrant During Round Up.

In this photo, AFP captures a naked African female migrant described as a prostitute in a series of raids by Israel’s immigration police aimed at rounding up and deporting illegal African immigrants.
The scene was recorded on Tuesday near Levinsky Park, in the Mediterranean city of Tel Aviv, where thousands of migrants reside.
The question urgently begging for an answer is why was the woman not allowed to put on clothes before her arrest.

Israel Launches African Migrant Deportation Drive.


Israel launched a high-profile deportation drive against African migrants on Sunday with an airlift of South Sudanese whose government said they would be welcomed back as economic assets.
Source: Reuters
drummed by jamila in Drum Humanitarian 30 minutes ago

Saturday, June 16, 2012

U.S. Escalates Penetration Of Africa.

“The Americans are following a European chart in Africa that goes back centuries.”

Americans, no matter how bloody their hands, have always liked to think of themselves as “innocents abroad.” “As far as our mission goes, it’s uncharted territory,” said AFRICOM’s Gen. Hogg. Not really. The Americans are following a European chart in Africa that goes back centuries, and their own long experience in the serial rape of Latin America, where the close fraternization of U.S. and Latin American militaries in recent decades smothered the region in juntas, dirty wars, torture-based states, and outright genocide.
The U.S. and its African allies perpetrated of the worst genocide since World War Two: the death of six million in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo. Uganda, which acts as a mercenary for the U.S. in Africa, is complicit in mega-death in Congo and Somalia. As Milton Allimadi, publisher of Black Star News, reported [10]: “In 2005 The International Court of Justice (ICJ) found Uganda liable for the Congo crimes. The court awarded Congo $10 billion in reparations. Uganda's army plundered Congo's wealth and committed: mass rapes of both women and men; disemboweled pregnant women; burned people inside their homes alive; and, massacred innocents.”
Naturally, as a henchman of the United States, Uganda has not paid the $10 billion it owes Congo. Ugandan leader Yoweria Museveni, who became Ronald Reagan’s favorite African after seizing power in 1986 with a guerilla army packed with child soldiers, and who for decades waged genocidal war against the Acholi people of his country, now plays host to the Special Forces continent sent by President Obama, ostensibly to fight the child soldier-abusing Joseph Kony and his nearly nonexistent Lord’s Resistance Army.

“Uganda, which acts as a mercenary for the U.S. in Africa, is complicit in mega-death in Congo and Somalia.”

Rwanda, the Pentagon’s other hit man on the continent, has been cited by a United Nations report [11] as bearing responsibility for some of the millions slaughtered in Congo, as part of its ongoing rape and plunder of its neighbor.
Gen. Hogg says AFRICOM’s mission is to combat famine and disease. Yet, the AFRICOM-assisted Ethiopian invasion of Somalia in late 2006 led to “the worst humanitarian crisis in Africa [12] – worse than Darfur,” according to United Nations observers. The 2007 humanitarian crisis and the escalating U.S.-directed war against Somalia made the 2010 famine all but inevitable.
Ugandan soldiers, nominally working for the African Union but in the pay of the Pentagon, kept watch over western interests in the starving country, as did the 1,200 soldiers stationed at the U.S. base in neighboring Djibouti – a permanent presence, along with the French garrison.
There’s nothing “uncharted” or mysterious about AFRICOM’s mission. The introduction of the 3,000-strong mobile brigade and a network of supporting bases prepares the way for the arrival of much larger U.S. and NATO forces – the recolonization of Africa. Gen. Hogg swears up and down there are no such plans. “For all the challenges that happen and sprout up across Africa, it really comes down to, it has to be an African solution,” he said.

That’s exactly the same thing they said in Iraq, Afghanistan, and more

Friday, June 15, 2012

The War On Africa.

Uploaded by on 6 Dec 2011
Testimonio de la periodista independiente, Lizzie Phelan, que estuvo en Libia durante la invasión de Trípoli por parte de terroristas armados apoyados por la OTAN.

Thanks to the Stop The War for inviting me. I visited Libya twice over the past six months of the crisis. The first time I was on a peace mission and the second time I was a correspondent for Press TV and I also did some reporting for Russia Today. I left just after the so-called fall of Tripoli and I was there during that horrendous week of the fighting in Tripoli.

Dan [Glazebrook - independent analyst] has really well-contextualized how the war on Libya is a war on Africa. But I'd just like to add something -- Dan mentioned how NATO had been targeting over 100,000 soldiers in Libya, but there were also thousands of ordinary men and women -- there were a lot of women who volunteered since the beginning of the crisis to defend their country and they were armed by the government. And during that week in Tripoli when the fighting began I witnessed how ordinary men and women took up the weapons that they had been trained to use during that six months to defend their country.

I'm going to, as a journalist, talk a little bit about the role of the media and this has been an incredible media war. Dan alluded strongly to the criminalization of the Libyan government and Gaddafi.

The media said that thousands of people were about to be killed in Benghazi, but they never showed us any evidence. They said that six thousand people had been killed by the government. Human rights organizations have confirmed that approximately 250 had died from both sides.

They said that the Libyan government was attacking its own people from the air. Russian intelligence satellites have since shown us that this was impossible.

They said that the government was hiring mercenaries from elsewhere in Africa -- they never showed us the evidence. Instead we saw the videos of black Libyans and other black Africans being lynched in public squares by NATOs ground troops -- the rebels, with scores of people filming on their mobile phones and Western Special Forces looking on.

They said that Gaddafi was hated by his people, but they never showed us the 1.7 million people in a country of 6 million in Green Square on July the 1st. Or the masses in Tarhuna, in Suppa, in Bani Walid, in Sirte and across the country who demonstrated to pledge their allegiance to their leader and to the Jama Haria.

They never showed us the masses, as I said, of ordinary men and women who had accepted the government's offer of weapons to defend their families, neighborhoods and country from people who wish to condemn them to enslavement to imperialism. They said they were targeting Gaddafi's military forces -- they ignored the 33 children, 32 women and 20 men who I saw buried in the small and traditional town of Marj in Zlitan in early August.

They said on August 20th or 21st that Tripoli fell without resistance. But they didn't tell us that in twelve hours alone 1,300 people were massacred in that city and 900 were injured.

WikiLeaks Revealed U.S. Twisted Ethiopia’s Arm To Invade Somalia

by , December 14, 2010
By mid-2007, the 50,000 Ethiopian troops that invaded Somalia in late 2006 found themselves increasingly bogged down, facing much fiercer resistance than they had bargained for as Somalis of all stripes temporarily put aside their differences to stand together against the outside invader.

As the military incursion turned increasingly sour, then-U.S. Undersecretary of State for Africa Jendayi Frazer, who taught at the University of Denver’s Korbel School of International Studies in the 1990s, insisted that, prior to the invasion, the United States had counseled caution and that Washington had warned Ethiopia not to use military force against Somalia. Frazer was a close collaborator with former U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, for whom there also is a strong University of Denver connection. Frazer certainly tried to distance the United States from responsibility for the Ethiopian invasion in a number of interviews she gave to the media at the time.

But one of the released WikiLeaks cables suggests a different picture, one that implicates Frazer in pressing Ethiopia’s President Meles Zenawi to invade his neighbor. The content of the cable is being widely discussed in the African media. It exposes a secret deal cut between the United States and Ethiopia to invade Somalia.

If accurate – and there is no reason to believe the contrary – the cable suggests that Ethiopia had no intention of invading Somalia in 2006 but was encouraged/pressured to do so by the United States, which pushed Ethiopia behind the scenes. Already bogged down in wars in Iraq and Afghanistan at the time, the Bush administration pushed Ethiopia to invade Somalia with an eye on crushing the Union of Islamic Courts, which was gaining strength in Somalia at the time.

At the time of the invasion there was little doubt that the Ethiopian military incursion was “made in Washington.” Like so many other WikiLeaks cables, this one merely puts a dot on the “i” or crosses the “t” on what was generally known, although it does give specific information about Jendayi Frazer’s deep involvement in the affair.

According to the cable, as the main U.S. State Department representative in Africa, Frazer played a key role, spearheading what amounted to a U.S.-led proxy war in conjunction with the Pentagon. At the same time that she was pushing the Ethiopians to attack, Frazer was laying the groundwork both for the attack in the U.S. media and for a cover-up by claiming that although the United States did not support Ethiopian military action, she could understand “the Somali threat” and why Ethiopia might find it necessary to go to war.

Frazer spread rumors of a possible jihadist takeover in Somalia that would threaten Ethiopian security. Turns out that media performance was little more than a smokescreen. The U.S. military had been preparing Ethiopia for the invasion, providing military aid and training Ethiopian troops. Then on Dec. 4, 2006, CENTCOM Commander Gen. John Abizaid was in Addis Ababa on what was described as “a courtesy call.” Instead, the plans for the invasion were finalized.

At the time of the Somali invasion, Zenawi found himself in trouble. He was facing growing criticism for the wave of repression he had unleashed against domestic Ethiopian critics of his rule that had included mass arrests, the massacres of hundreds of protesters, and the jailing of virtually all the country’s opposition leaders. By the spring of 2006 there was a bill before the U.S. Congress to cut off aid to Zenawi unless Ethiopia’s human rights record improved. (His human rights record, by the way, has not improved since. Given how the United States and NATO view Ethiopia’s strategic role in the “war on terrorism” and the scramble for African mineral and energy resources, Western support for Zenawi has only increased in recent years.)

In 2006, dependent on U.S. support to maintain power in face of a shrinking political base at home – a situation many U.S. allies in the Third World find themselves in – and against his better judgment, Zenawi apparently caved to Frazer’s pressure. Nor was this the first time that Frazer had tried to instigate a U.S. proxy war in Africa. Earlier as U.S. ambassador to South Africa, she had tried to put together a “coalition of the willing” to overthrow Mugabe’s regime in Zimbabwe, an initiative that did not sit well with South Africa’s post-apartheid government and went nowhere.

The 2006 war in Somalia did not go well either for the United States or Ethiopia. Recently, a State Department spokesperson, Donald Yamamoto, admitted that the whole idea was “a big mistake,” obliquely admitting U.S. responsibility for the invasion. It resulted in 20,000 deaths and according to some reports, left up to 2 million Somalis homeless. The 50,000 Ethiopian invasion force, which had expected a cakewalk, instead ran into a buzz saw of Somali resistance, got bogged down, and soon withdrew with its tail between its legs. The political result of the invasion was predictable: the generally more moderate Union of Islamic Courts was weakened, but it was soon replaced in Somalia by far more radical and militant Islamic groups with a more openly anti-American agenda.

As the situation deteriorated, in an attempt to cover both the U.S. and her own role, Frazer then turned on Zenawi, trying to distance herself from the fiasco using an old and tried diplomatic trick: outright lying. Now that the invasion had turned sour, she changed her tune, arguing in the media that both she and the State Department had tried to hold back the Ethiopians, discouraging them from invading rather than pushing them to attack. The WikiLeaks cable tells quite a different story. In 2009, the Ethiopian forces withdrew, leaving Somalia in a bigger mess and more unstable than when their troops went in three years prior. Seems to be a pattern here?

Reprinted courtesy of Foreign Policy in Focus.

U.S. Set To Invade Africa - Blood Will Flow.

Published on 18 Mar 2012 by
"The resolution, introduced by Reps. Jim McGovern, D-Mass. and Ed Royce, R-Calif., calls for, among other things, expanding the number of regional forces in Africa to protect civilians and placing restrictions on individuals or governments found to be supporting Kony," reports

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Somalia :British Government Pretext Offers Humanitarian Aid So They May Steal Their Oil.

Britain leads dash to explore for oil in war-torn Somalia

Government offers humanitarian aid and security assistance in the hope of a stake in country's future energy industry.

Engineers and visitors explore an exploratory well near Dharoor town in Puntland
Engineers and visitors tour an exploratory well in Somalia's semi-autonomous Puntland region. Photograph: Reuters
Britain is involved in a secret high-stakes dash for oil in Somalia, with the government offering humanitarian aid and security assistance in the hope of a stake in the beleaguered country's future energy industry.

Riven by two decades of conflict that have seen the emergence of a dangerous Islamic insurgency, Somalia is routinely described as the world's most comprehensively "failed" state, as well as one of its poorest. Its coastline has become a haven for pirates preying on international shipping in the Indian Ocean.

David Cameron last week hosted an international conference on Somalia, pledging more aid, financial help and measures to tackle terrorism. The summit followed a surprise visit by the foreign secretary, William Hague, to Mogadishu, the Somali capital, where he talked about "the beginnings of an opportunity'' to rebuild the country.

The Observer can reveal that, away from the public focus of last week's summit, talks are going on between British officials and Somali counterparts over exploiting oil reserves that have been explored in the arid north-eastern region of the country. Abdulkadir Abdi Hashi, minister for international cooperation in Puntland, north-east Somalia – where the first oil is expected to be extracted next month – said: "We have spoken to a number of UK officials, some have offered to help us with the future management of oil revenues. They will help us build our capacity to maximise future earnings from the oil industry."

British involvement in the future Somali oil industry would be a boon for the UK economy and comes at a time when the world is increasingly concerned about the actions of Iran, the second-biggest oil producer in Opec.

Hashi, in charge of brokering deals for the region's oil reserves, also said Somalia was looking to BP as the partner they wanted to "help us explore and build our oil capacity". He added: "We need those with the necessary technical knowhow, we plan to talk to BP at the right time."

Somali prime minister Abdiweli Mohamed Ali said his government had little choice but to entice western companies to Somalia by offering a slice of the country's natural resources, which include oil, gas and large reserves of uranium. "The only way we can pay [western companies] is to pay them in kind, we can pay with natural resources at the fair market value."

Britain is not the only country looking to develop Somalia's vast natural resources. Last month oil exploration began in Puntland by the Canadian company Africa Oil, the first drilling in Somalia for 21 years. Hashi, who sealed the Africa Oil deal, said the first oil was expected to be extracted within the next "20 to 30 days".

The company estimates there could be up to 4bn barrels (about $500bn worth at today's prices) in its two drilling plots. Other surveys indicate that Puntland province alone has the potential to yield 10bn barrels, placing it among the top 20 countries holding oil. Chinese and US firms are among those understood to have also voiced interest about the potential for oil now that, for the first time in 20 years, the country is safe enough to drill.

Yet it is the extent of oil deposits beneath the Indian Ocean that is most exciting Somali officials. One said the potential was comparable to that of Kuwait, which has more than 100bn barrels of proven oil reserves. If true, the deposits would eclipse Nigeria's reserves – 37.2bn barrels – and make Somalia the seventh largest oil-rich nation.

The state-owned China National Offshore Oil Corporation has tried to acquire an interest in Somalia's reserves. Senior officials from the Somali transitional government are adamant that the imminent extraction of oil in Puntland next month would kickstart a scramble from the multinationals.

On Thursday, the last day of the London conference, BP and Shell unveiled an initiative to support job-creation projects in the coastal regions of Somalia. A subsidiary of Shell was thought to have acquired exploration concessions in Puntland before the descent into lawlessness in 1991.

A BP spokesman said there were "no plans" to work in Somalia and no official had recently visited the country.

The White House Fact Sheet:The New Strategy Toward Sub-Saharan Africa

Today the White House announced a new U.S. Strategy Toward Sub-Saharan Africa that provides a proactive and forward looking vision grounded in partnership.  The new strategy sets forth four strategic objectives, as described below, and commits the United States to elevate its efforts on the first two of these four pillars: strengthening democratic institutions and spurring economic growth, trade and investment.

• Strengthen Democratic Institutions:  The new strategy commits the United States to work to advance democracy by strengthening institutions at every level, supporting and building upon the aspirations throughout the continent for more open and accountable governance, promoting human rights and the rule of law, and challenging leaders whose actions threaten the credibility of democratic processes.  As the President said in Ghana, “Africa does not need strong men, it needs strong institutions.”

• Spur Economic Growth, Trade, and Investment:  Through greater focus, engagement, and the deployment of additional resources, the new strategy commits the United States to work to promote economic growth, including through increased trade and investment in sub-Saharan Africa.  The United States will promote an enabling environment for trade and investment; improve economic governance; promote regional integration; expand African capacity to effectively access and benefit from global markets; and encourage U.S. companies to trade with and invest in Africa.

• Advance Peace and Security:  The new strategy calls on the United States to deepen its security partnership with African countries and regional organizations to meet the basic security needs of its people.  Only Africa’s governments and people can sustainably resolve the security challenges and internal divisions that have plagued the continent, but the United States can make a positive difference. 

• Promote Opportunity and Development:  Nowhere in the world are our development efforts more central to our engagement as they are in Africa.  We will continue working to focus on sustainable development outcomes and the new operational model for U.S. development assistance outlined in the 2010 Presidential Policy on Global Development.

Africa:US To Invade And Occupy The Continent Of Africa During 2013.

All of those troops leaving Afghanistan during the next two years will have to go somewhere, right? The US Army will deploy thousands of soldiers across the continent of Africa during 2013.

The Army Times confirms that the US military gave the go-ahead for the mass deployment last month and that roughly 3,000 soldiers will soon be sent overseas, with more troops expected to be dispatched during the duration of the program. Maj. Gen. David R. Hogg, head of US Army Africa, says the initiative is part of a “regionally aligned force concept” that will allow American troops to forge relationships across Africa, where the US has not concentrated its soldiers among civilians to the same degree as other continents.
“As far as our mission goes, it’s uncharted territory,”  Hogg tells Army Times.

The program will put thousands of American troops in different African cities from anywhere for a few weeks to a few months, where they will learn about unfamiliar cultures and conduct training for threats and missions.

The US currently has a substantial military presence across the African continent, but nowhere to the degree that is has in other locales. More than 1,200 soldiers are currently stationed at Camp Lemonnier, Djibouti, and last October US President Barack Obama personally authorized the deployment of 100 troops to Uganda to aid in attempt to oust Lord’s Resistance Army leader Joseph more